

(load! factory data-in ext-options)(load! factory data-in)(load! data-in)

Load a Neanderthal matrix or a vector from the data-in stream using the factory for construction. If no factory is provided the default factory is inferred from the entry data type. ext-options can specify load options external to the data structure itself (for example data omission).


(load-from-file! factory file-path ext-options)(load-from-file! factory file-path)(load-from-file! file-path)

Load a Neanderthal matrix or a vector from the file path name file-path using the factory for construction. Opens file-path with as data input stream, reads the structure and its contents, closesfile-path. If nofactoryis provided the default factory is inferred from the entry data type. ext-optionsare passed toload!`.


(save! x data-out ext-options)(save! x data-out)

Save the Neanderthal matrix or the vector x to the data-out stream. ext-options can specify save options external to the data structure itself (for example data omission).


(save-to-file! x file-path ext-options)(save-to-file! x file-path)

Save the Neanderthal matrix or the vector x to the file path name file-path. Opens file-path as data output stream, writes the structure and its contents, closesfile-path.ext-optionsare passed tosave!`.